anal interracial

anal interracial

anal interracial

Absolutely fabulous website!

My first wife brought a black man home one evening who had the largest cock I had seen up to that time. She was sexually frustrated which she made known to me on numerous occasions.This was a time when she could show me what a real man could do for her. I was shocked when she walked in with this man apparently with no concern about my reaction to this breach of my feelings.

My mouth dropped open and I could not react. Needless to say I observed her first orgasm which I was never able to give her. My cock still has a memory of that event and ever time I see an interracial film with my present wife I get very excited, not the pain I felt at the time of the incident with my first wife. I now feel that it is a beautiful sight to watch the women you love have such a beautiful experience and would no longer be hurt by such an incident.

Keep up the good work!