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interracial creampies

interracial creampies

I have been reading your web site for a few weeks and wanted to tell you it is very erotic and I love it! I am married to a wonderful man but I recently started secretly dating a black man (a real hunk). Keeping this secret has been killing me and I have been sending a few notes out on bulletin boards and forums just so that I could share with someone (anyone!) what I have been doing and thinking. It has been great just chatting and emailing with other women and men about interracial dating and the erotic nature of it all. I know that some men think that it is every woman's dream to have an on-call black lover but many of us still think that romance is as important as sex, if not more so. Yes, romance! Shocking huh? Having an affair is just trying to get a bit of romance back and if it is an interracial relationship, well, there is even the added spice of something very different and not very accepted. Just the looks I get from men when I am out with my date can be a real thrill!

I know that by asking you to publish this letter some men will think I am a slut. I may be cheating on my hubby, but not a slut! I hope you can appreciate the difference, I am still a good wife and mother, I don't sleep with every delivery man, and I object to raw porno! You don't have to be a feminist to think that porn is just porn, not erotic, romantic, or even sexy. I love your site because it is erotic, and the voyeur nature of the people you email and meet there, is to explore this erotic sense we all get when we cross over the racial barrier.